Worship Service 10:00am
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Sunday Worship Service Now Starts at 10:00am
Welcoming You Home
Like most Christians, Disciples affirm Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God and offers saving grace to all, and all persons are God's Children.
Christian Spirituality is a way of life that relates who and what we are to who and what God is as revealed in Jesus Christ and as experienced through the Holy Spirit. We encourage one another in the spiritual disciplines, practices through which we open ourselves to being shaped by God. Those disciplines include prayer, Bible study, worship, stewardship, service, study of the church's tradition, and hospitality to strangers. Our spiritual development ministries range from teaching children to love Jesus to helping adults live Christ-like lives. Disciples celebrate the Lord's Supper every Sunday. All Christians are invited to respond to Christ's invitation to draw closer to Him around the communion table. For Disciples, the communion table is a powerful symbol of our deep commitment to Christian unity.
We believe that God is calling the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to be a faithful, growing church that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice. This is our vision.
We welcome you and your family for our Worship Service.

One of the greatest things we do as a congregation is come together and worship God. With praise and thanksgiving, we gather every Sunday at 10:00 am. A children’s worship service is available at this time as well.

The Christian Men’s Fellowship and the Christian Women’s Fellowship are active within the community. Both groups meet monthly and work on fund raising activities to help accomplish the work of their outreach ministries.

At Stokesdale Christian Church we have many opportunities to worship God through fellowship. On the third Sunday of every month, we have a fellowship luncheon with a rich variety of foods provided by the congregation. We love to eat, but not just by ourselves. We also gather together with other churches in Stokesdale for community worship and fellowship. Fifth Sunday Sing, a Thanksgiving Service, and an Easter Sunrise service are a few of the ways we share our unity in Christ.