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Welcome Visitors

We are always glad to have visitors and welcome you with best wishes and you can count on at least a handshake. It is a pleasure to see new faces and newvoices worshiping with us. we are a very diverse group of all ages and professions all joining together for the common purpose to worship and praise our Savior, Jesus Christ. We feel blessed that you would consider joining us for worship.



How do I get there?

Please see directions


Where do I park?

Parking is available in the parking lot in the front and side of the church on Stokesdale Street.  Several handicap spaces are available. Handicap ramp is avaialble for those who may need this.


Where do I go?

Go in through the double doors at the front of the church where you will meet greeters that will welcome and assist you in the narthex.


Where do my children go?

Children of the age four and younger may visit our nursery which is the last room on the left down the hall from the sanctuary. Children five and above are encouraged to join you in the sanctuary and will be able to join other children during Children's Moments.


What are worship services like?

Our church provides a traditional worship with scripture based messages, hymns, children's moments and communion served weekly for believers that wish to participate.


What do I wear?

You'll find here everything from coats and ties to jeans and shorts.  We want everyone to be comfortable and come as you are.  Our concern and prayers are for the internal you, not the external!  We are not here to judge, but to worship. By the way, Jesus wore sandals and a robe. 


A question often asked by members and non-members alike is, "Just what does the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) believe?"

Since it began on the American frontier in the early 1800's, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has attempted to hold true to the teachings of Jesus and the practices of the New Testament churches. No attempt has been made to impose any set of beliefs or interpretation of scripture on any member. There are no religious doctrines or theological concepts, which all members must believe, nor is there a written creed with which a person must agree in order to become a member. The only question people are asked when presenting themselves for membership in the Christian Church is, "Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and do you accept him as your Lord and Savior?" Those making that "Profession of Faith" are then baptized by immersion. No other belief is required. In all other matters, the church recognizes the right of its members to complete freedom of opinion. This has led to a variety of beliefs from congregation to congregation, as well as within individual congregations. However, there is a common set of beliefs and practices accepted by many members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).


Here are some of the more significant:


•We believe that the New Testament, particularly the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles, form the basis of our Christian thoughts and actions.


•We believe that the Church, the body of Christ, is a holy fellowship through which God seeks to work his will in every age.


•We believe in the principle of self-government for each congregation with the Regional and General Church serving in advisory capacities only.


•We observe the Lord's Supper, Communion, each time we worship and welcome all Christians from every denomination to participate.


•We practice "believer's baptism" by immersion, a New Testament practice recognized as the symbol of our participation in the death, burial, and resurrection to new life.


•We believe in "the priesthood of all believers", which means that each individual can approach God directly without the necessity of a priest or minister as intermediary.


•We believe in the unity of all Christians and we participate in and encourage ecumenical relations with other congregations and denominations through worship, study and service.:

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